Client Center

Self Service Options

Have a question or need help with your current policy or account?

Please feel free to use the following contact information for your respective accounts should you require help right away.

Eagle Strategies &
NYLIFE Securities

Online Client Portal

Client Phone Number: 1-888-695-3245

To facilitate your planning process, please complete
and download the following forms:

Personal Financial

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Business Financial

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Download Excel File


Do you charge for an initial meeting?

We want you to have a full understanding of our process and practices prior to agreeing to work with us. Therefore, our initial Second Opinion Process is provided at no cost to the potential client.

What do I need to bring to our first meeting?

The Discovery Meeting is used to get to know each other and your current financial scenario. It would be helpful to complete the forms and bring any financial statements you have, as well as an understanding of your balance sheet.

Will I get billed if I call you?

Absolutely not! Our number one priority is customer service and transparency.

What if I already have a financial planner? (how difficult is it to transfer to AFS?)

That's great! You've already taken strides in protecting your future. Please know that we would be happy to provide a second opinion or add value in areas your planner may not specialize in. Should you decide to transition to our services from another provider, our simple process ensures a simple transfer.

How much contact will I have with you?

At a minimum, we meet with our clients once a year if not once a quarter. We are always available by phone or screen share based on the proximity to our offices. Since our clients are spread out across the country, we utilize today's technology to provide screen share and video conferencing services as needed.

What makes your client experience better?

  1. Things change. We structure our strategies around lifelong wealth management, making adjustments along the way and putting special emphasis on the most tax efficient planning possible… for now and later.
  2. Many advisors focus on wealth accumulation leading up to retirement. We do too, but the difference is… we place importance on the next step, wealth distribution and helping you make sure the money doesn’t run out.

Where do we meet?

We meet in-person with clients in our New Holstein, Green Bay and Grafton offices. Based on proximity to our offices, today’s technology means we are always available by phone or video conferencing as well.

Is financial planning the same as retirement planning?

Planning for retirement is included in the general realm of financial planning, but there’s more to it than that. Financial planning is a general term that refers to planning one’s finances (either in business or personally) for everything from savings and investing to spending, budgeting, and more. Financial planners cover all stages of life, with retirement planning being only one aspect of the discussion.